Startup Accelerator Diary #1


The Rockstart Accelerator

In Amsterdam is one of several world-class technology accelerators in The Netherlands. We entered ourselves into the competition earlier a few months ago, and came in the top percentile out of more than 500 companies, securing a place in the 100-day program.

LeadBoxer is a spin off from the Rockstart program, which utilizes the Lean framework methodology.
LeadBoxer is utilizing big data technology in order to make anonymous website traffic less anonymous, and function as an essential pre-sales tool. Currently being designed, tested & validated for the B2B market, the product works to create value from under-utilised traffic engagement.

If you are interested in being an early adopter for LeadBoxer, click here & sign-up for advance notification.

We jumped at the opportunity to participate because we’re eager to learn from the vast experience of the mentor community. As an additional bonus we are very energized by the cohort of our fellow start-ups from around the world (Portugal, Italy, Colombia, Argentina, Netherlands, UK). We will list those startups in a blog post to follow.

The program is divided into three parts;

  1. orientation and exposure to methodologies, mentors, and validation interviews
  2. construction and deployment (launch) of MVP – minimum viable product
  3. scripting and rehearsal, build up to pitch to entrepreneurial and investor community

We’ve finished the first part and are now entering Phase 2.

So far, we can report that the opportunity to participate in the program has been extremely rewarding. We’ve been exposed to numerous entrepreneurial, technical, business, and sales gurus.

The fifteen hour days can be tiring 😉 but they remind us of launching Opentracker, back in 2003, and how rewarding that felt.

Stay tuned for more.

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Postal code reporting improved

Postal code reporting improved

We’ve upgraded postal code databases for several EU countries and added Canada.

The list of fully implemented postal code data now includes the following countries:

  • US
  • Canada
  • Germany
  • France
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
  • Finland
  • The Netherlands
  • UK


In this example, you can see data from USA, UK, Canada, France, Netherlands, and Germany, specifically visitors from these cities; Seattle, London, Toronto, Amsterdam, Paris, Montreal, Munich, and Berlin.

Other databases can be engineered and implemented upon request.

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Star Wars and the Art of Business – Lessons from The Force Awakens

Star Wars and the Art of Business – Lessons from The Force Awakens

Star Wars and the Art of Life; Lessons from The Force Awakens. Devise good strategies. Measure. Improve and repeat what works.

I went to see Star Wars 7 last week. Afterwards, I had the same “Yeah, that was a pretty good movie,” reaction as I had read on the front page of the


In my post-game analysis, I realised the what, why, & how J.J. Abrams accomplished this.

In one sentence; they did this by drawing on successful elements of the original films, which they improved and repeated, while throwing out the rest.  In the same way, all of us who work on the internet can draw on basic knowledge and things-that-work from previous success. Identify a winning formula, refine on its success, discard strategies that don’t work. Repeat.

What does this mean in terms of Website Management?
Identify potential traffic sources, make an effort to contact them, refine your message, measure audience response, keep what works, throw out the rest. Bring back your best characters (Best Practices).


As far as I can tell, what the latest Star Wars movie does is; take 5 or more of the original elements (Luke, Leia, Han Solo, R2-D2, Darth Vader, Stormtroopers, the Death Star) and replace them (the replacements are: Finn, Rey, Kylo Ren, BB-8, Starkiller Base). First, the new elements are inserted into the identical plot from the original movie. The new elements are then joined by the original elements (Han Solo, Chewbacca, Millenium Falcon, R2-D2, C-3PO) and together they proceed through the new story.

A few examples of successful elements from previous Star Wars films found in The Force Awakens;
– an undercurrent of slightly goofy humor – the perfect balance of laughing at oneself
– an irreverent, likeable, Han Solo-type character with the same mannerisms and gags, who also leaves the heroine behind at one point
– a hero toiling alone with robot salvage on a small desert planet, destined for greatness
– an important data file hidden from the bad guys on a cute and likeable droid in the opening sequence while being shot at by stormtroopers
– an insurmountable obstacle defiantly overcome under identical conditions as in previous films
– an even bigger death star
– an identical cantina scene, complete with live band
– light-sabre duels in cavernous high-tech space stations
– C-3PO and R2-D2 making fun of each other
– the Rebels have an ability overcome obstacles of ludicrous (technical) complexity after a 5 minute morning stand-up
– and one incremental improvement – the hero is a pretty girl (at the moment there is a lot of call in the media for female action figure heroes)


Following up, we will publish a list of the comparisons which can be drawn between Star Wars The Force Awakens and Websites and Business Management. In other words, we will publish a list of successful Tips and best Practices which you should repeat.

In Conclusion, the new film is a fun, easy-to-watch shoot-‘em-up flick in which no one really gets hurt, with an important message: things (life) doesn’t have to be complicated to be fun.  Of course, this is also the art of making things which are hard look easy. I may have missed some of the details as I had my young son sitting my my lap squeezing my hands out of sheer unadulterated joy most of the time, but I think I caught most of the movie.

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Do you pass the test?

Do you pass the test?

What does good custom reporting look like?

Take the Opentracker Custom Reporting Pop Quiz and find out – does your analytics system pass the test?

What do good analytics and custom reporting look like in practice?

  • Can you get the data you need, when you need it?
  • Can you get the reports you need, when you need them?

Above all, are the reports compact and relevant, or do they give you so much data that you experience ‘information overload’?

Answer these questions yourself, with the Opentracker Reporting Challenge:

Can you generate a report that shows you;

  1. which of your visitors, by login name, email address, or anonymously;
  2. signed in,
  3. from which country, state or region, and
  4. which visitors or users committed any specified action
  5. for any given date range?

Are you able to generate a list of your users or visitors, ranked by activity, and search this list?

Can you EASILY generate a report showing you the most popular events or actions in your site by country, and segment it by browser, operating system, platform, or device in a couple of clicks?

If you need a “new” metric, can you arrange for this to happen in a day or two?

The answer to all these questions should be YES.
It will be if you are using Opentracker.

That is what Custom Reporting really means.

But wait, there’s more! – Custom variables

Can you insert custom variables, like an industry sector or product category?
This is what (big) data is all about. These are some of the things that we can do for you.

And specifically, these things can be accomplished in several different ways.
For example:

  1. You can do it yourself, by using the javascript implementation docs to add the events/ properties/ variables, and using our the Analytics API (Application Programming Interface)to create the reports, OR
  2. You can get us to do it for you.
    What does that mean? That means that we will build a button for you – this button will be placed in your reporting system and deliver the report(s) that you need.
    Contact us if you are interested in custom-built reports.

Opentracker – don’t get left behind.

Start your free, no-risk, 4 week trial!

Company Identification – Dramatic Improvement – 44%

Company Identification – Dramatic Improvement – 44%

We are EXTREMELY pleased to announce a Forty-Four 44% percent improvement in our company identification capability.

Last week, we were able to identify just over 900 companies visiting This week, we were able to identify over 1300 companies, over the same period of time.

For years, we’ve been working to develop and improve our report Location >> Company which shows you which companies are visiting your website. This is an incredibly valuable tool, in terms of lead generation. This report allows you to turn anonymous visitors into potential clients.

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Too much CRAP – Big Data is here to stay

Too much CRAP – Big Data is here to stay

All the data.
All the time.

That pretty much sums up The Age of Big Data in which we now find ourselves. Organizations that learn how to make use of the data will prosper.
There are datastreams being generated by all the ways we are connected to the internet.

This data is being collected and stored, although there is too much of it to organize, so it’s CRAP (create, replicate, append, process) as Charles Fan calls it; “generated by machines, coming in large quantities at high velocity.”

The solution? Easy. Make the data accessible in a way that gives it structure. That’s where we come in.

So the great challenge is to use this data. If the data is not used then, there is little point in storing it, especially at cost.

Q: What should (big) data be used for?
A: For making decisions.

In other words, why bother to save all that data, unless to put it to good use, and that means helping organizations make decisions. Those decisions can be based directly on human behavior, for example to decide what content to display to a viewer, based on Social Media preferences, or based on machine signals.

Automated signals, such as all the purchases made by supermarket customers with bonus cards, which can help managers decide which products to stock & display, create datasets too large for humans to manage.

That’s where solutions such as Opentracker come in. You don’t need a big engineering team to get value out of the data if you use a suitable data collection and reporting system.

In our case, we will:

  • provide the engineering
  • host the data
  • provide a simple interface
  • allow the end-user to send signals (write)
  • and ask the data questions (read)

Click here for an article about understanding Big Data.

Because there are new and massive databases coming into existence, new technologies are needed in order to manage the data. The point of efficient data management is that it takes processing power to make calculations. Therefore, the new & efficient way which has evolved is to leave the data as it is; CRAP, and sort it out only on a need-to-know-basis.

That’s where Opentracker comes in. What we have built is a distributed-data technology that allows users to slice & dice at will.

In other words, you send the data, it’s stored, but not structured. The only thing that is structured is the tool (an API: application program interface) that allows you to ask the data questions.

Please get in touch if you have any questions.


PS- And why is Big Data not going away? Because with ever-increasing amounts of data, the likelihood of the data being organized in any meaningful way becomes increaingly smaller.

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Top Sites feature in Safari loads website repeatedly

Top Sites feature in Safari loads website repeatedly

Top Sites feature in Safari generates pageview(s) by repeatedly loading indexed sites

We’ve noticed that the Top Sites feature in Safari sometimes generates a pageview when Top Sites are displayed. We confirmed this by noticing that we were “generating” visits and pageviews (clicks) to a site that we were not visiting.

The explanation for the reason that our profile kept showing up in the stats is that the site was being disaplyed repeatedly in Top Sites.

This is potentially problematic because it might give the false impression that a person was visiting on a regular basis.
We assume that this happens when Safari generates the Webpage Preview Images.
Definition of Top Sites from Apple website:

Top Sites: Safari automatically identifies your favorite sites and displays them as a wall of graphic previews. To visit one of your top sites, just click any of the previews.

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Trendspotting 2014

How will your business respond
to the increase in available digital data?

With increasing data available, the winners will be those who understand the possibilities. Businesses are seeing that, increasingly, there is revenue to be earned through the intelligent use of data.

Trendwatching. We live in a time of great technical change. Big things are happening, things which can have enormous impact on products, development, and revenue models.

The question to ask is: what are important trends in business sectors that will drastically, disruptively, affect bottom lines?

Trends are important, as are people who have the ability to observe and understand trends. What trends will affect your business or sector?
What are we talking about? Here are a few big picture examples:

  1. The energy industry: people putting energy into the grid, as opposed to taking it off. This is increasing. Energy companies need to plan for people creating their own energy. In Germany more than 50% of electricity is currently produced by alternative power sources.
  2. Eastman-Kodak: creation of digital film led, ultimately, to their bankruptcy and reorganization.
  3. Nokia: trend of personal handheld computers (devices, iphones) led to their loss of leading market position.
  4. Banks: their position challenged by Bitcoin and crowdsourcing – will we still need banks? With the rise of crowdfunding, banks may need to rethink their position.

Q: What is the take home message? 
A: Companies ignore upcoming trends at their own peril. Plan to succeed.


2014: year of the Chief Digital Officer

In 2014 an increasing number of businesses are expected to appoint CDOs – Digital content chiefs; in short, somebody responsible for all the data.

Unforeseen trends and opportunities for profit (or loss) are the reason why there is such a high demand for people who can analyse data. Human resource managers are also seeing the shift; a need for people who can analyse data, and a new culture is emerging, whereby in-house knowledge is needed. Is your company making adequate use of the available data?

Opentracker. Don’t get left behind.

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Unlocking the value of data

Unlocking the value of data

Infinitely scalable read/write real-time data management

A recent article post on the BBC could have been written about Opentracker and the technology we have spent the past year developing. The piece, entitled ‘Data wars: Unlocking the data gold mine’ was written by Mike Lynch and ran on 12 April, 2012.

The premise of the article is that businesses and organizations wishing to stay ahead of the curve can do so by learning how to use technology in order to give meaning to the data they collect. Traditionally, data has been stored in databases and only later, if ever, consulted. With technology, it is now possible to consult data in real-time and make decisions based on what we learn.

“The availability of vast quantities of data on current or potential customers on e-commerce sites offers online retailers huge value – if they can gather and analyse this information efficiently and in a timely manner”

– a quote from the article which tells us about the potential value of (large scale) data. There is a catch: the information collected needs to be analyzed and understood today, as opposed to tomorrow.

Additional points;

  • Online customers generate a lot of data (data trails) which, combined with social media targeting, can be used to add value, and generate leads and sales
  • In order to be effective, decisions based on this data should be based on realtime reporting
  • This is because the information loses its value (quickly) and so should be used as quickly as possible
  • Keeping up with the demands of changing customers requires a structural solution ( like real-time data utilization)
  • This is a question of scale necessitated by the current internet environment and the volume of customers (with millions of associated data points) that many websites currently manage

The key is to understand the data – leaving it exactly where it is – in order to create an infinitely scalable platform, and a powerful basis for analysis and action…and get to the heart of the issue – being able to process 100% of the information, structured and unstructured, to unlock real business value.

– quote from the article’s conclusion.

The main reason that this article caught our attention is because, as mentioned above, we spent the last year or so building exactly what the author describes: an infinitely scalable read/write real-time data management solution. Not only that, but as of yesterday, it runs cross-platform, meaning that we can present universal activity across apps and websites.

Q: What is the goal?
A: Given the importance of understanding user audience and being able to react in a timely fashion, Opentracker’s goal is to provide a realtime solution which is easy to read and reports on Total Engagement across apps and websites.

Q: How cool is that?
A: Very cool!

Start your free, no-risk, 4 week trial!

Upgrading from keystore/keytool to Tomcat Native APR with OpenSSL

Upgrading from keystore/keytool to Tomcat Native APR with OpenSSL

Today i had to upgrade a tomcat server that used a keystore file for SSL, to a native tomcat 6 with APR and OpenSSL. I thought this was easy until i realized i didn’t had the original private key anymore of when the certificate was created. The steps we took with Keytool to generate the the original certificate request, do not save the private key as a separate file.. After some digging around i found this nice java app called Portecle that does the trick: it opens your keystore and allows you to export the private key. It even lets you remove the encryption/password. After that it was easy: saving the private key and issued certificate in a separate folder, changing the server.xml to this:
<Connector port="443" maxHttpHeaderSize="8192"
enableLookups="false" disableUploadTimeout="true"
acceptCount="100" scheme="https" secure="true"
and voila:
Feb 9, 2010 4:04:27 PM org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener init
INFO: Loaded APR based Apache Tomcat Native library 1.1.19.
Feb 9, 2010 4:04:27 PM org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener init
INFO: APR capabilities: IPv6 [true], sendfile [true], accept filters [false], random [true].
Feb 9, 2010 4:04:27 PM org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11AprProtocol init
INFO: Initializing Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-80
Feb 9, 2010 4:04:27 PM org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11AprProtocol init
INFO: Initializing Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-443
Feb 9, 2010 4:04:27 PM org.apache.coyote.ajp.AjpAprProtocol init
INFO: Initializing Coyote AJP/1.3 on ajp-8009
Feb 9, 2010 4:04:27 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina load
INFO: Initialization processed in 525 ms
Feb 9, 2010 4:04:27 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService start
INFO: Starting service Catalina
Feb 9, 2010 4:04:27 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine start
INFO: Starting Servlet Engine: Apache Tomcat/6.0.24l
Feb 9, 2010 4:04:28 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployDescriptor
INFO: Deploying configuration descriptor ROOT.xml
Feb 9, 2010 4:04:28 PM org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11AprProtocol start
INFO: Starting Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-80
Feb 9, 2010 4:04:28 PM org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11AprProtocol start
INFO: Starting Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-443
Feb 9, 2010 4:04:28 PM org.apache.coyote.ajp.AjpAprProtocol start
INFO: Starting Coyote AJP/1.3 on ajp-8009
Feb 9, 2010 4:04:28 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina start
INFO: Server startup in 953 ms
Thank you Portecle !!
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