Frequently Asked Questions

- 1. Implement
- 2. General
- 3. Pay
- 4. Resell
- 5. Admin
- 1. I’m using adobe dreamweaver, what is the best way to implement the code?
– Make sure you have created a ‘Site’ for your web site
– Do a ‘Find and replace’ command (CTRL-F)
– In the window that opens, select: Find in ‘entire local site’, and Search for ‘sourceCode’
– In the first textfield type: “”
– In the second window type: “Your personal Javascript code”
– Click “Replace All”
– Dreamweaver now searches through all the HTML pages in your “site” and replaces the “endbody tag” with the Javascript code AND the “endbody tag”.Was this answer helpful ? Yes(5) / No(3) - 2. Where should I put the javascript code?
You can paste the code anywhere on your pages.
We recommend pasting the Javascript code into the HTML page above the end </body> – tag of each page you want to track.
Save the page with the Javascript code. Upload the HTML pages that contain the Javascript code with an FTP program as with any webpage.
More advanced javascript implemetation documentation can be found in the docs
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(6) / No(3) - 3. My site consists of frames, where should i put the javascript code? tracks every (and we mean EVERY) page in which you put the Javascript code.
You may only wish to track important pages such as those which contain your site’s content.
You can also track your navigation, frames, mail-forms, e-shops, etc., simply paste the Javascript code into every page you wish to appear in your statistics.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(4) / No(0) - 4. How can I track SSL https secure pages?
Opentracker supports the tracking of secure, ssl, http, shopping-cart and login-protected pages.
In order to track secure pages and avoid a pop-up a certificate warning there is one simple step necessary:
change the “http” in your website tracking javascript to “https”. The addition of an “s” will redirect your signals to a secure environment.
For example:
<!-- OPENTRACKER HTML START --> <script src=""></script> <!-- OPENTRACKER HTML END -->
<!-- OPENTRACKER HTML START --> <script src=""></script> <!-- OPENTRACKER HTML END -->
Please note that the only change is the addition of an “s”.
Please note that if you have secure and unsecure pages in your site, you can use the following updated version of the script throughout your entire site.
<!-- OPENTRACKER HTML START --> <script src="//"></script> <!-- OPENTRACKER HTML END -->
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(6) / No(0) - 5. My website is located on my host’s server, can I use
Yes. Every online website can be tracked. To activate your account you simply need to upload the HTML pages that contain the Javascript code to your ISP’s server with an FTP program like you would do with any webpage.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(6) / No(0) - 6. Where can I find my Javascript code?
After creating an account you will automatically receive an email with your login information and unique Javascript code.
Your account page also provides you with a link to manage your site(s) and resend the Javascript code (if lost or forgotten).
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(7) / No(0) - 7. Where do I insert the code for a WordPress site or blog?
WordPress instalation is easy, simply use our WordPress Analytics Plug-in!
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(4) / No(0) - 8. Where do I insert the code with a Drupal site?
The easiest way to implement the script sitewise is to place the script is in in your theme template file.
called “page.tpl.php”
Located in /sites/all/themes/
/templates Was this answer helpful ? Yes(9) / No(0) - 9. Where do I insert the code with a Joomla site?
Javascript implementation “where do I put the script” for Joomla 1.5.x
1. login as admin to your Joomla site
2. Click on Extensions
3. Click on Template Manager
4. Select your template
5. Click “edit html” button
6. Scroll down
7. Paste code before </body>
8. click saveYour are done! Visit one of the pages where the javascript is deployed and then look at your Opentracker Online & Recent Visitors report to confirm that the script is working.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(4) / No(0) - 10. How do i insert the tracking javascript in Blogger
Follow the steps below in order to do this:
- Copy the Tracking tracking code from the email
- On Blogger, go to the Design > Page Elements tab and click one of the “Add a Gadget” links in the Footer (the block at the bottom)
- A popup appears with gadgets, scroll down and choose “HTML / JavaScript”
- Paste the Tracking tracking code into the text area, name it something like “Opentracker widget”
- Save (window will close)
- If you have multiple gadgets in your footer, You’ll want it to be the last gadget on the page.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(5) / No(2) - 11. Loading speed – will the code slow down my website?
No. The Javascript code adds less than 2k to your page and will not measurably increase your page’s loading time.
You can choose from our script hosted on our Content Delivery Network (CDN) or put it on your own server.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(4) / No(0) - 12. Dynamic – can I use on database-generated pages?
Yes. Opentracker is designed to handle database-generated pages, also referred to as ‘dynamically-generated’ pages.
This includes JSP, ASP, PHP and all other languages.
Pages are recorded based on URL, filename and title. Your pages are best identified by a human readable title. Dynamically generating a title tag will help you sort your pages.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(6) / No(1) - 13. I inserted the code but I cannot see any statistics, is there any delay?
There is no delay, you should be able to view online visitors in real-time.
Activation takes place within a few minutes once the account has been created, the Javascript code has been uploaded, and your first visitor (including you) has reached the site.
Some reports can take up to 30 minutes to populate, but Online VIsitors works immediately.
Some statistics won’t be available until the respective time period has lapsed, e.g. forecast, weekly statistics, etc.
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- 1. Can I see what a person who typed in a specific search word did on my site?
Yes, in some cases. Login to your account, and go to Visitors: Visitors by search term.
Here you will see all the recent visitors to your site that used a search term: both the search engine, and if available the search phrase typed in. Note that in a majority of cases the search term is encrypted by the search engine.By clicking on the green or red puppets you will be taken directly to their click-stream(s).
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(4) / No(0) - 2. Secure & Password protected – who has access to my statistics? is password protected. Only people who have the password may view your statistics. gives you the possibility to add new users to view your statistics.You may add users at any time and set varying permission levels.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(6) / No(1) - 3. What is bounce rate?
The bounce rate (or more optimistically click through rate) is a measurement of how far visitors click into your site.
Bounce rate: The percentage of visitors who visit your website and leave without getting any further than one page (bounce).
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(5) / No(0) - 4. How does Opentracker distinguish between new and returning visitors?
- A returning visitor is a person who visits your site and comes back after a period of 24 hours has elapsed.
- Additionally, we measure visits, a visit is a visitor’s clickstream broken by a ten minute period, (minimum of ten minutes). So you have a cup of coffee, and return to the site, this will be a second visit. Say you go to bed, and you return to the site the next day; you will be a returning visitor.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(5) / No(2) - 5. Remote access – can I access my statistics from any computer?
Yes. Your statistics can be viewed 24/7 from any computer connected to the Internet using your login and password details.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(5) / No(0) - 6. Real-time – how often are my statistics updated?
Opentracker is real-time.
This means that you don’t have to wait to view the latest traffic flow of data. Updates occur on a continuous basis as information is received.
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- 1. I’ve received a Worldpay card failure email – what do I do?
This means that the card details WorldPay have on record for you are no longer being authorized by your card issuer when they attempt to send us a payment.
This may be because the card has now been canceled, has expired, or it may have been given a new issue number.
Please check your card details in the WorldPay Shopper Management System and update them if necessary. To do this:
- Log in to the Shopper Management System:
- Under the Agreement ID column, Click the Agreement ID you want to change the payment details for.
- Select the Change Payment Details button at the top of the screen.
- Enter the new card or bank account details.
- Click the Submit button to enter your new payment details into the system.
Your next payment due will be debited once their systems have been fully updated (approx. 24 hours)
Note: If you change the card number, the new number will not be displayed until a payment has been debited from that card.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(2) / No(0) - 2. Is payment by credit card secure?
Yes. Payment for Opentracker by credit card is secured by Paypal or WorldPay.
We process thousands of transactions per month and have never experienced a security lapse.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(2) / No(0) - 3. How do I update or add a card to my PayPal account?
To add or update a bank account or credit card to your PayPal account you need to:
- Log into your PayPal account; (
- Click the My Account tab.
- Place your cursor over the “Profile” link until the menu appears.
- Select “Add or Edit Bank Account” or “Add or Edit Credit Card.”
- If you add a bank account, PayPal will ask for some additional information to confirm you are the owner of that account.
Follow any additional online directions.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(2) / No(0) - 4. Can I get a refund if decide not to continue tracking a site?
No. However, you can transfer pro-rated payments to other sites upon request.
You can only cancel your subscription payments effective as of the next scheduled payment.
This means that you will not be billed for the next payment-cycle.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(2) / No(0) - 5. Can I use multiple credit cards under the same account?
Yes. Through Paypal and Worldpay numerous payment options are available.
It is also possible to associate a bank account with your PayPal account.
We also offer bank transfer payments for yearly subscriptions with an administration fee.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(1) / No(0) - 6. How do I cancel my account?
Cancel your account or individual sites by logging in to your WorldPay or PayPal account and cancelling your billing cycle. Alternatively open a support ticket to cancel your account for you.
Click here for WorldPay, you need your original Worldpay signup email for details.
And login here for canceling your PayPal subscription.
Once logged in you must directly cancel the subscription.
This will cease billing effective immediately. We will receive a notification from WorldPay or PayPal and adjust our records.Was this answer helpful ? Yes(1) / No(1) - 7. Worldpay: How to change or update your creditcard information
To update your card details in the WorldPay Shopper Management System you need to do this:
- Log in to the Shopper Management System:
- Under the Agreement ID column, Click the Agreement ID you want to change the payment details for.
Select the Change Payment Details button at the top of the screen. - Enter the new card or bank account details.
- Click the Submit button to enter your new payment details into the system.
Your next payment due will be debited once their systems have been fully updated (approx. 24 hours)
Note: If you change the card number, the new number will not be displayed until a payment has been debited from that card.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(1) / No(0) - 8. Why is the Paypal / WorldPay order form giving me an invalid credit card error?
Because PayPal and WorldPay are 3rd parties, please refer directly to their technical support pages.
We are of course available to assist if you encounter difficulties, and will communicate with the payment processors on your behalf.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(1) / No(0) - 9. Where do I view my billing information?
When logged in to Opentracker, you can view billing information for your account on the “payments / billing” page.
On the payments/billing page you can see how many sites you are being billed for and which sites are actively paid for.
Because we use 3rd-party payment processors; PayPal or WorldPay, you must log directly in to your respective PayPal or WorldPay billing agreements in order to update/verify billing information etc, and to view your complete transaction history.
Upon request we will provide invoices and/or year overviews.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(2) / No(0) - 10. How often will I be billed?
On a yearly or monthly basis, depending on your selection.
You can choose to pay for your account on an annual or monthly basis by creating a billing agreement which will then move forward automatically after the initial payment.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(2) / No(0) - 11. Do I have to pay sales tax or VAT?
Not if you are located in North America or outside the European Union.
It depends on what country you are located in. If you are located in The Netherlands you will have to pay 21% VAT.
Other EU European Union businesses are exempt from sales tax / VAT if a valid VAT number is provided.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(2) / No(0) - 12. Can I pay by purchase order or cheque?
Online payment processing is preferred.
If this is not available (for example educational institutions), we will work with you to arrange a bank transfer.
An administrative fee will apply.
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- 1. How do I become a reseller?
By creating an account and using the [add site] feature to add multiple sites.
You must have an account and you have to be logged in to add new sites. You will benefit from the standard discounts and back-end management tools.
The “user management” option will allow you to add users for the new licences you administer. (Download instructions).Was this answer helpful ? Yes(0) / No(3) - 2. I am tracking multiple sites. Where can I switch between site reports?
Unlock the Options bar. To switch between the different domains that are in your account, use the “selected site” drop-down box located in the Options bar.
If you click on the drop-down box, all of the sites for which you have permissions will appear. Select the site you wish to view. You will be taken to stats overview for that site.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(0) / No(0) - 3. Can I add multiple sites?
Yes, Opentracker provides tools for adding multiple sites to an account. Select “add site” from the site-selection drop-down menu. Every site added generates a javascript to you via email and received a 4 week free trial. It is easy to manage permission levels, and add individual users to separate site stats. Every account is administered by only one “owner” who can manage all permissions and payments.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(0) / No(0) - 4. What is a reseller and why should I be interested?
A reseller is an administrative contact who uses Opentracker to provide added value for their clients.
Why would I want to be a reseller?
There are a number of reasons to become a reseller. The main reason is you to provide multiple accounts to your clients, colleagues, or departments without having to share login, password and permissions.With a reseller account you can sell to third parties, and profit from the bulk discounts and generate passive income.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(0) / No(0) - 5. How do I keep track of multiple sites?
You can access all account and user information in your preference pages when you are logged in.’s back-end is simple and intuitive to administrate. Depending on your package, you can add and administer a number of sites to your account.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(0) / No(0) - 6. Where can I find the reseller discount table?
The reseller or multiple-site discount table can be found by contacting sales.
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- 1. What is User Management?
Opentracker gives you the ability to share your statistics with other people. You can do this by creating users within your account. After you create new users, you can manage them by giving every user unique privileges in the form of access to individual site stats.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(2) / No(1) - 2. How many users can I add to my account?
The amount of users you can add to your account depends on your package. Each users (with a unique email and password combination) can login and use You can also set unique permission levels on a per-user, per-site basis.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(0) / No(0) - 3. How many users can I create?
This depends on the subscribed package – if you want to add a large number of users, please contact us, so that we can determine the best subscription package.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(0) / No(0) - 4. User Management – permission levels
There are three types of Opentracker users: Administrators, Super users and Standard users.
Administrators can create or delete users, add sites to the account and administer privileges on a per-site basis.
Super users can create or delete users for sites they have permissions for.
Standard users can only view site statistics.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(0) / No(0) - 5. Where can I find the User Management?
If you are logged-in as the account adminstrator, then you will see the user management link in the drop down under My Account.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(0) / No(0) - 6. What can I do with User Management?
As well as setting individual worker privileges, User Management allows you to give temporary or permanent access to clients, consultants, colleagues who telecommute, etc.
If you have an account with multiple sites, you can give access to specific sites to specific users.
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Opentracker Torenallee 45 - 7.17 5617 BA Eindhoven The Netherlands |