Hover your mouse over visitor icons to see each visitor’s profile.
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Web Analytics
- Join thousands of sites who rely on Opentracker to know what happens on their websites.
- Opentracker is a competitively priced best-of-breed solution for tracking & web analytics.
- We provide the easiest, most informative, and straight-forward statistics solution available. Information is beautiful and helpful if displayed with skill.
- The company’s hallmark is simple, intuitive, and easy-to-read reporting interfaces.
- Founded in 2002. Find out why we’ve been setting standards for 15 years.
See your visitors, in Realtime!
Find yourself in the online visitors table below.

User data collected
- Website and App users
- Sessions & Duration
- Engagement & Conversion
- Referrer, Exit, searchterms
- Click, Touch, Swipe & Pinch
- Email, First Name, Last Name
- App /Browser name & Version
- Platform & Devices
- Country, Region, City
- GPS Longitude & Latitude
- Timezone & Language
- ISP, Provider or Carrier
- Company & Organization
- Area, Postal or ZIP code
- IP address & Connection type
- Display size & Orientation
- Augmented demographics
- Your own custom metric

Search all visitor data
A 'google search' through all your website traffic data

Visitor labeling & tags
Identify & tag visitors. Invaluable for email campaigns or tracking leads.

CRM & Integration API
Request info, get data back, and process it as you like.

Track events & properties
From a button clicked to a video played, anything you want to track.

Company Identification
Identify visitors by company, university or governmental body.

Track Unique Visitors
See who your visitors are & how they use your site.

Real-time Reporting
Real-time minute-to-minute tracking, reporting and analysis.

IP address tracking
Track & trace your website visitors IP address and identify them

ROI & Conversion
All incoming traffic sources, online advertising and PPC in one place.
About us
Opentracker has more than 10 years experience in tracking, data analytics and statistics innovation. Our hallmark is simple, intuitive, and easy-to-read reporting interfaces, combined with powerful and flexible APIs.
Quick links
support@opentracker.net | |
Opentracker Torenallee 45 - 7.17 5617 BA Eindhoven The Netherlands |